November 2024
Dear Readers as we all know a very uncomfortable topic for one’s spiritual welfare is death. As believers it is important to remember death every day. Why is this important one might ask? I’m sure there are many answers to this but our take on this is the remembrance of death keeps one vigilant in their behaviours and practices here in this dunya. It causes one to reflect and remember this life is a journey in which we are all travellers. Death can be a scary, overwhelming topic for many. One thing I think it’s important for us to remember is death is just another format of separation from one world to the next. Before we come into this world we are in our mother’s womb.
We are surrounded by water, blood and other bodily fluid. We lived in our mother’s womb for approximately 10 months were we aware? Do any of us have any memory of this? No we do not. We were in our own reality in our mother’s womb. While she carried us she was living in this world’s reality, which we were oblivious to, separated by layers of skin and other things essentially. Then we are born into this reality. We now adapt to this reality and have no memory of the previous reality we were existing in. Death in that sense is the same. We leave the reality of this world and transcend to the next world’s reality where inshAllah if we live a good life and have good character and practice our Islam, have a clean heart, follow the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) InshAllah with Allah’s grace our next reality inshAllah will be peaceful.
Concerning the oppression and tyranny happening in today’s world
Bismillah, I pray that Allah Almighty (swt) shower thousands of blessings upon our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his beloved families, ameen.
I pray that Allah (swt) guide me through him to write a message that would be well pleasing to Allah (swt).
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem.
My dear brothers and sisters I want you to know that I am not a scholar in Islam. I am just a simple woman who is a lover of Allah (swt) and our beloved Holy Prophet (pbuh) and my religion Islam.
I love and respect all those who love Allah (swt).
Assalam Alaikum (Peace and blessings of God Almighty be with you) Praises and gratitude to Allah swt who’s guidance was with me to write these parables.
By His wisdom and guidance these parables can enable you by offering guidance to you in your daily lives and tasks, this is if you take them seriously.
To draw conclusions from signs around us and make allusions one after another to the common truth of daily occurrences which man does not regard as worthy of much attention would make life dull.
You are invited to consider these parables seriously in order to help you out with true guidance and understanding as they did for me.
Praises and gratitude to my Creator. I sincerely wish success and spiritual evaluation to my readers. Ameen Ya Rabul Aala Meen.
A tree without bearing fruits tells the story of one who loves to make their conduct into a dazzling display. In the sight of Allah swt their work on this earth has no value or meaning. For the best of richness is the richness of your hearts and your soul. Allah swt dislikes one whose conduct is full of show. They would only be prosperous in this world, but very poor in the hereafter.
Magic makes the impossible possible! It’s the devil’s handiwork. Do not get bought into it and become the devil’s slave; Allah swt makes the earth a glittering show in order to test us to which is the best conduct. (Magic, witchcraft etc) are the devil’s conduct. Be wary.
If you don’t want to get burnt by fire then don’t play with it!
Meaning: Seek a sure shield of protection from Allah swt, if you keep company with jealous people move away from them gradually.
After every storm there is calm.
Meaning: When you are blessed with a second chance with your hearts desires don’t waste it by being ungrateful. Be grateful to your Creator and it would never go in vain.
Do not ruin the future by dwelling on the past.
Meaning: The past never returns unless you bring it back to life by dwelling on it daily.
Only a ship knows the strength of its waves which she has to ride over daily and yet she takes her passengers safely to shore.
Meaning: Follow those who are just and blessed with a cognitive mind and are constantly with their faces turned to their Lord. You will be able to draw strength, courage and patience through them to steer your life on the path of righteousness and achieve success and prosperity in both worlds.
Freedom from injustice.
Bismilla – Assalam Alaikum dear brother and sisters. (For all of us who have loved ones facing some form of injustice)
Let’s recite this Darood Ibrahim for as much as possible, then lift our hands in humble supplications, asking Allah swt to give our loved ones justice and free them from the devil’s grip. Yaa Allah (swt) through this holy Darood Sharif let Justice prevail over injustice for our loved ones who are going through injustice Ameen ya Rab.
And make smooth the path of bliss and goodness for them. Ameen Ya Rab and guide them and increase them in wisdom, and judgement and help them to make right judgment, speeches and decisions, Ameen ya Rab.
Angel Jibril (aws) once came to Rasoolillah (pbuh) and said Allah (swt) has given me the knowledge to count every leaf on earth, every fish in the sea, every star in the sky and every particle of sand on earth, but there’s only thing I cannot count.” Rasoolillah (pbuh) asked Jibril (aws) “What is that?” Jibril (aw) replied, “When one of your Ummah recites Salawat or Salaams on you, the amount of blessings Allah (swt) showers upon him becomes impossible for me to count.
Negative energies taking over today’s world.
My dear brothers and sisters please read the following message so you can understand the seriousness of what is happening in the world and how you can help yourself and your loved ones during this pandemic.
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem. Is there science in the Holy Quran? Yes, of course there are many scientific facts in the Holy Quran and it is very sad to say this, but many people who are scientists they are very brilliant people, some are also doctors, but what is the use? Most of them feel very proud of themselves that they akin themselves to God Almighty and become atheists. These scientists fail to realize that it is Allah swt who gave them the knowledge and the guidance they need to find what they are looking for etc.
We are told in the Holy Quran Ch. 36 v. 20 to 32, My people! Obey the apostles: Obey those who ask no reward of you, and who have themselves received guidance…
The world is full of negative energies and it is trying to enslave man to overtake them (especially those of weak faith) Allah (swt) five light to man and the negative energy is travelling speed towards man, and it is taking away that light from those who’s faith is weak in Allah (swt) because their shield from the devil’s attack is weak.
The believers should know that Dajal is coming and they should be prepared and know that the army of Dajjal is trying to destroy and enslave the population.
Spiritually they are shooting at mankind and they are trying to enslave mankind, and causing tremendous fear in them. This fear is causing them to go hysterical with fear and so they become anxious and causing death and sickness upon themselves.
If we listen to the pious people and we follow their advice we would have no fear and our faith in Allah (swt) would strengthen and we would save ourselves from stress and anxiety and most of all our Creator, Allah swt would be pleased with us, however lots of scholars, Imams and Shaiks have already been bought over by the devil, some due to their circumstances they had no choice. If only the Imams and Shaiks who have money and power could have put their foot down and come together to put his evil down when they had the opportunity to do so this evil and it’s forces would not have succeeded to spread mischievousness around the glove and cause innocent lives be forced in the devil’s clutches.
When the Kabbah and Masjid Nabee was closed then all the rest of the Masjids in the world were closed and this caused darkness to spread all over the world. It is travelling like a wildfire and it is taking over the hearts of many people. It is travelling very quickly to take over the light that mankind was blessed with from their Creator, Allah (swt) This protective shield between humans and evil became very weak due to the closure of the masjids around the world. There was no power or good energy coming from the angels from Kabaa and Masjid Nabee so Dajal had the freedom to spread negativity around the world.
Daily zikr exercises
Asalam Alaikum Brothers and sisters. It’s important in this environment we are living to remember to do our daily zikr exercise, which is when we breathe in do so with the words Allah on your mind, and exhale with the word Hu. Do the same at night until you fall asleep. This practice will inshAllah beautify your heart with good energies which will help you to keep smiling and be triumphant over tribulations with ease and comfort. It will also help you enter Allah’s (swt) Kingdom with the company of our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ameen Ya Rab.
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