May the peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be with us always. Ameen Yaa Rab we pray that Allah swt shower thousands of blessings upon all of His beloved Prophets and their righteous families, ameen.
To loose grace with Allah (swt) is like a rich man loses all his wealth by spending extravagantly and wastefully to the point that he becomes a loser.
Sometimes there is arrogance in piety who gets rid of it as soon as it enters into them they would keep on striving in righteousness, but those who hold on to their arrogance, and continue being rude, and insolent they are the ones who would lose their grace with Allah (swt) and end up a loser in the hereafter in front of Allah swt.
Many of us have righteousness in our hearts but we let pride, jealousy and envy overcome us. Then spiritual blindness envelopes us and we start looking for success high and low, when we have success right in our hands, which is the Holy Quran.
Those who don’t respect or recite the Holy Quran with faith in their hearts they wouldn’t find success, or even have a successful life on this earth and in the hereafter, their souls wouldn’t find peace and satisfaction with their Lord, how sad. Here is a little snippet of one of my stories. I couldn’t read English nor Arabic, but had a great desire to write a book. I turned very sincerely to Allah swt for 41 nights (I was pregnant at the time). I would sit after Isha Namaz and recite one out of the 99 Names of Allah swt for 1000 times and during the days would study and ponder upon the Holy Quran, even though I couldn’t read it. I did this practice for 9 months.
Then with Allah’s grace I gave birth to a very blessed baby boy and 2 months after I went to a function, picked up a book written in Arabic which was the 99 names of Allah swt and AMAZINGLY started to recite it as if I knew Arabic all along. There was an Imam at the function who knew I could not read. He was very surprised and told me when I go home to pick up her Quran he is 100 per cent sure I will be able to recite it in both English and Arabic. I took his advice and Alhamdolillah I was able to read my Quran in both English and Arabic.
Those who are looking for success in this life’s conduct please sincerely turn to the Holy Quran. Please reach out to us if you need a copy.
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