Assalam Alikum Wa Rahmatulla Wa Barakaatahu our dearest brothers and sisters Please do not forget how easy it is to work on earth and keep your heart in HEAVEN By, simply Inhaling Allah and Exhale Hu All Day Long, and at night until you fall asleep the reward is amazing When ever you forget to […]
Author Archive | thejourneyofknowledge
Zikr of Inhaling and exhaling Allah Hu
Our Lord Please bless us and bless our beloved families with good health, and the abilities to exercise patience and constancy, in our practice of goodness and obedience to Your Commend and the commend of obedience to the teachings of our beloved holy prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him and his beloved families […]
Escaping oppression and diseases
Bismilla Peace and Mercy of Our Lord ! Allah swt ! be with us and our love ones Alway.Aameen Yaa Rab Jumma Mubarak to all our beloved families and friends and Allahs blessings and His guidance and His protection from all spreading diseases Ameen yaa Rab.Thousands of Darood and Salaams upon our beloved holy Prophet […]
Standing in respect for our Prophet (pbuh)
Bismilla Peace, Blessings, and Salutation,upon all of Allah swt Apostles I’m humbled seeking blessings , guidance , and protection, from all harm, sickness, danger, grief and sorrows. from our Lord, God Almighty, Allah (swt ) for all of you beautiful people , ( also my self and my family) who are our beloved friends and […]
Celebrating the birth of our dear Prophet (pbuh)
Assalamalikum The Holy Quran states. Surely Allah and His Angels send blessings upon the Prophet : O you who believe! Send blessings on him and salute him with a worthy salutation; Blessings be upon you our dear beloved prophet PBUH birthday greetings to you from all your true friends and followers including me and my […]
Blessings of Salawat
Jibrail عليه السلام once came to Rasöölillah ﷺ and said, “Allāh has given me the knowledge to count every leaf on earth, every fish in the sea, every star in the sky and every particle of sand on earth, but there’s only one thing I cannot count.”Rasöölillah ﷺ asked Jibrail عليه السلام, “What is that?”Jibrail […]
How can someone loose their grace with Allah?
May the peace and blessings of Allah (swt) be with us always. Ameen Yaa Rab we pray that Allah swt shower thousands of blessings upon all of His beloved Prophets and their righteous families, ameen. To loose grace with Allah (swt) is like a rich man loses all his wealth by spending extravagantly and wastefully […]
The greatness of Allah
7 Facts about Jesus in the Quran
What the Quran says of those who turn away from Islam?
Bismillaa Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem. Assalamu Alikum wah Rahmatull lahay Waa Baraakat tahu. Sister Madiya ask a question ❔what the Qur an says about people who turn away from Islam, and became a Christian or a Hindu, etc. Ch3 v83 and v85, do they seek For other then the Religion of Allah? _ while all […]