Bismillah Hir rah man nir raheem Peace and blessings be upon us and upon our loved ones Ameen. If we want to achieve success in our lives our first move is to avoid telling people our business, because not everyone will be happy for us. Sorry to say this but the whole world is contaminated with evil people, jinns, jealousy, envy, spite, arrogance, adultery, fornication, lies, fraud etc, etc. We need to work really hard to get rid of these things from our lives because we will end up as losers in both worlds. What a waste of life! Allah swt did not create us to be perfect, because He knew He would give us tribulations and that is why we must seek Allah’s help to guide us away from wrong actions and also to keep Shaitan far away from us. Shaitan’s duty is to whisper into our ears wrong ideas and our duty is to get rid of it right away, just as how we get rid of our messages that we are not interested in. When any whispering of the shaitan comes to our ears we must seek Allah’s protection, and His Help to drive it away, rather than listening to it and following the wrong path. We must also seek the good, the kind, and the righteous person’s company. They are the people of Paradise and they are the people who can take us safely on our journey to Salvation. InshAllah ameen ya rab. May Allah forgive us and bless our lives with piety. Ameen ya raab.
Who are the people that suffer the most in this world?
- They are the prophets (pbut)
- There are those who follow in the Prophets (pbut) footsteps.
The people that suffer the most in life are the finest of Allah’s (swt) creation, subhanAllah. If we live in this world and we are not going through any problems, difficulties, pain, or suffering then that cannot be the way of true believers. We must go through tribulations.
For those who are going through some serious problems, sickness, or difficulties in your life please do not give up! Let us use this advice to console ourselves. We must bear this in mind when Allah (swt) loves someone He tests them, then He try’s them. This is how we go through tribulations. May Allah (swt) make our tasks easy for us. Ameen.
Those of us who pass our test and trials we are the ones who achieve patience, and Allah (swt) is with those who have patience SubhanAllah. May Allah (swt) bless us with the ability to go through our tribulations with prayers, patience and constancy in all our righteous conduct. Ameen Ya Rab
☪️ Bismilla 🌷Assalam Alikum Dear Imams,Shaykhs, and Scholars,In Islam ☪️ I am requesting all of you,who are on my friends list,( I know that I have over 3 to 500 of you guys ) to please talk about the real problems that are overtaking the Globe 🌎 with oppressions,frustrations, and anxiety 😥 due to the Dajjal Weapons 💉😤
In your lecturing this should be your main concern to Educate the Imams who are Opening their Masjids to give out the Dajjal weapon 💉 ❗️This needle 💉 IS CAUSING SO MUCH SICKNESS And In some cases death ❗️
And people are forced to to take it,which is oppression❗️ and injustice ❗️upon the people who doesn’t want to take it ⁉️
Where in the Holy Quran or the Hadith said ❗️WE AS MUSLIMS SHOULD SUPPORT INJUSTICE AND OPPRESSION ⁉️
CH 2 V190 Fight in the Cause of Allah those who fight you ,
(If I am forced to take something that is against my will,what do you call that)❓Should an Imam let this injustice happen to me❓(Is this what this verse 190 said )❓
CH 2 V191 For tumult and oppression Are worse than slaughter;
CH 2 V 193 And fight them on Until there is no more Tumult or oppression.
May I ask ? What kind of Muslims are You ⁉️When you are supporting Oppression and injustice ?by opening the house of Allah swt to give out this needle 💉 the came to in slave mankind around the Globe 🌏 ❓
V103 Shall we tell you Of those who lost most In respect of their deeds?
104 Those who effort have Been wasted in this life While they thought that They were acquiring good Buy their works ?
V105 They are those who deny The Signs of their Lord And the fact of their Having to meet Him:
Vain Will be their works.
V106 That is their reward,Hell;
because they rejected Faith,and took My Signs And My Messengers By way of jest.
Chapter 9 verse 123 O ye who believe ! Fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you; and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
I pray that Allah swt forgive us and help us to practice Justice and support Justice, and I pray that the people who are going astray from the righteous path,that Allah swt increased them their wisdom and understanding which would help them to get back into the righteous path. Aameen Yaa Rab.
May Allah swt remove all spiritual blindness and ignorance and bring Justice to our lives and to our love ones lives as well Ameen yaa Rab 🤲😥🤲😥
August 22, 2023
Constructing Dua
It is important for us to understand how to construct dua. It is important for us to take our time and be mindful in our duas, mindful of what we’re asking and how we ask Almighty Allah, how we speak to Almighty Allah.
Below is an example or guideline on constructing dua:
Ya Allah thank you for your many favours and blessings you’ve blessed us with, please shower thousands of blessings upon all your holy Prophets, especially our beloved holy Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, peace and blessings be upon him and upon his beloved family, companions, and sincere followers. Ameen. Please also unite us with him at the time of our death and after our death. Ameen
Ya Allah swt through our holy prophets please accept our humble supplications, ameen.
Oh Allah swt please include the poor, the needy and all your creations that are going through difficulties in this dua and in all the humble supplications that are being made throughout the whole world. Ameen
Ya Allah we have no one else to talk to who would listen to us attentively, except you Oh Allah please grant shifa where there is sicknes, grant health where there is weakness, laughter where there is sorrow, security where there is fear and protection when a calamity is about to strike. Ameen Ya Rab
Oh Allah let there be peace amongst the Islamic society and cover falsehood with truth. Oh Allah bless us with victory over our enemies and put a barrier between us and their mischief. Ameen.
Oh Allah strengthen our faith in You and our love for You, and grant us the opportunity to enjoy Your kingdom and Your garden, your Jannah. Ameen
Oh Allah save us and save our loved ones from the torment and punishments of death and after death and in our grave and from the hellfire, ameen
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