Bismillaa Hir Rahmaan Nir Raheem. Assalamu Alikum wah Rahmatull lahay Waa Baraakat tahu. Sister Madiya ask a question ❔what the Qur an says about people who turn away from Islam, and became a Christian or a Hindu, etc. Ch3 v83 and v85, do they seek For other then the Religion of Allah? _ while all creatures in the heavens and on earth Have, willing or unwilling Bowed to His Will.
V85. If anyone desires A religion other than Islam (submission to Allah’s will) Never will it be accepted of Him; (Allah) and in the Here after He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good).
Foot note 418. Muslims does claim to have a religion peculiar to himself. Islam is not a sect or an ethnic religion . it was the Religion preached by all the earlier prophets. It was the truth taught by all the inspired Books ?In essence it amounts to consciousness of the will and plan of Allah zahwajal, and a joyful submission to that will and plan.
If any one wants a religion other than that, then he is false to his own nature, as he is false to Allah zahwajal will and plan. Such a one cannot expect guidance, for he has deliberately renounced guidance.
I hope my answer is satisfying to you may sister. (Sorry I left out a word in the first line of the foot note where it says Muslims does claim, it is the Muslims does not claim)
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